
Next-Generation Widebody Conversion

A new generation born out of proven experience

We are the go-to company to undertake conversions of the next generation of Airbus medium widebody freighters: the A330P2F. We have built our capabilities and experience on the success of our A300/A310 conversions which saw us deliver over 200 freighter aircraft worldwide.

Our A330P2F program comes in two variants – the A330-200P2F and A330-300P2F. Both are equipped with advanced technologies that deliver operational and economic benefits, with the A330-200P2F capable of payloads up to 60 tons, and the A330-300P2F offering up to 62 tons.    

Our A330P2F possesses features and options that allow for highly efficient and comfortable freighter operation. Features such as our intelligent powered cargo loading system (PCLS), where containers are power-driven into position saving valuable loading and unloading time and options like the flight crew rest compartment which can serve bigger crews on longer distances. We also offer freighter options reflecting your individual operational needs, such as main deck cargo compartment access, or a powered cargo loading system (PCLS), also suitable for 16” or 20” pallets.

EFW conversions mean a new paradigm in efficiency.

A330P2F benefits

  • 23%Up to 23% more volume (A330-300P2F)*
  • 17%Up to 17% more payload*
  • 10%A 10% wider fuselage catering for 96” containers side-by-side*
  • 7''A 7'' wider door allows for the transport of 16ft and 20ft pallets*

* compared to best configuration of nearest competitor

Product advantages

  • Maximized payload capability

    16/20 ft pallet option offering up to 11.3 tons position weight on up to five slots

  • Efficient belly container usage

    Optimal load: 32 LD3 (A330-300P2F) powered cargo loading system

  • Swift, secure, and versatile loading

    For mixed configurations ensuring speed and safety

Conversion process

Our conversion process follows four key steps including major modifications to the entire aircraft and its systems. Step-by-Step becoming a freighter.

  1. De-installation phase

    The passenger and cargo deck areas are completely emptied and removed. This process includes removing interior fittings such as seats with all flight entertainment equipment and cabling, side wall cladding, insulation and floor panels.

  2. Structural phase

    Work on the structure of the aircraft begins. The floor is rebuilt, stringers and frames are reinforced, the main deck cargo door is installed, the fuselage is reinforced, windows are replaced by plugs, and rear passenger doors are locked.

  3. Re-installation phase

    Once the structural changes have been made, we re-install items relevant to freighters. This includes computer systems and electrics, hydraulics, side panels and floors, and the courier area. At this stage we install our highly flexible powered cargo loading system into the floor.

  4. Test phase

    The final stage sees all systems fully tested. We conduct hundreds of tests, including specific tests for freighters, covering everything from power, through the cargo loading system, to hydraulics and engines. After tests are completed the aircraft is released without the need for dedicated test flights.

Conversion features & modifications

  • Courier AreaCourier Area

    Depending on configuration, this area provides additional seating or sleeping possibilities for crew and cargo escorts. Maximum space utilization is ensured for the cargo area.Je nach Konfiguration bietet die sogenannte Courier Area zusätzliche Sitz- oder Schlafmöglichkeiten für die Crew oder Begleitpersonen der Fracht. Um weiterhin größtmögliche Frachtkapazität zu gewährleisten, ist hier eine optimale Raumausnutzung entscheidend.

  • Barrier Net & Smoke CurtainFracht-Lade-Netz & Rauchvorhang

    Designed to withstand loads of up to 9G, the safety net separates the upper cargo compartment from the crew, increasing operational safety.Das Sicherheitsnetz ist darauf ausgelegt, Belastungen von bis zu 9G standzuhalten. Es trennt den oberen Frachtraum von der Besatzung und erhöht so die Betriebssicherheit.

  • Main Deck Cargo DoorFrachttor für das Hauptdeck

    The hydraulically driven cargo door provides a large access to the Main Cargo Deck, with 141” width and 101” height.Mit seiner Höhe von 141 Zoll bietet das hydraulisch betriebene Frachttor einen geräumigen Zugang zum Hauptfrachtdeck.

  • New Floor GridNeue Bodenstruktur

    The floor structure is completely renewed and replaced by a stronger one. The installed floor panels were specially developed for cargo applications.Bei der Umrüstung eines Flugzeugs wird die Bodenkonstruktion durch eine verstärkte Struktur ersetzt. Die neu installierten Bodenpaneele wurden speziell für Frachtanwendungen entwickelt.

  • Extended Cargo CapacityErweiterte Frachtkapazität

    With a capacity for up to 26 containers on the Main Deck and 32 on the Lower Deck, the A330-300P2F offers 16% more volume than the -200P2F. Fire protection equipment installed in the Class E certified Main Cargo Deck ensures a high level of operational safety.Mit Platz für bis zu 26 Container auf dem Hauptdeck und 32 auf dem Unterdeck bietet die A330-300P2F 26% mehr Kapazität als die -200P2F. Die auf dem Klasse-E-zertifizierten Hauptfrachtdeck installierte Brandschutzausrüstung gewährleistet hohe Betriebssicherheit.

  • Powered Cargo Loading SystemMotorbetriebenes Frachtladesystem

    The powered cargo loading system of the new generation enables motorized positioning and securing of cargo.Das intelligente Frachtladesystem der neuen Generation ermöglicht es, den Frachtraum optimal zu nutzen und wertvolle Lade- und Entladezeiten zu sparen.

  • Deactivated Doors & Window PlugsTüren & Fenster-Plugs

    The unused passenger doors 2, 3 & 4 are deactivated and the cabin windows are plugged. This reduces the amount maintenance required.Die ungenutzten Passagiertüren 2, 3 & 4 werden verschlossen, die Kabinenfenster werden durch Plugs ersetzt. Das reduziert den künftigen Wartungsaufwand erheblich.


Main deck cargo door

Main deck cargo capacity

Powered for your cargo

Most flexible main deck cargo loading system

Cargo loading system options

We offer the maximum flexibility and multiple unit load device (ULD) arrangements. 

Aircraft data

  A330-300P2F* A330-200P2F**
maximum containerized volume 526m³ (18,580ft³) 453m³ (16,000ft³)
payload data up to 62t (136,700 lbs) up to 60t (132,300 lbs)
range capability up to 3,700 nm up to 4,200 nm
maximum take-off weight (MTOW) up to 235t up to 238t
maximum landing weight (MLW) up to 187t up to 182t
maximum zero fuel weight (MZFW) up to 175t up to 170t

* suitable up to weight variant 55 ** suitable up to weight variant 62

Other conversion models and services

Further services

  • Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul

    Learn more about our MRO capabilites for Airbus and defence aircraft

  • Customer Support Service

    Learn more about our worldwide-support for P2F aircraft conversions and 24/7 support for maintenance activities

  • Approvals & Certificates

    Learn more about our company approvals and certified management systems

Contact us

Lee London

SVP Commercial

Tel:+49 351 8839-2696Email:marketing@efw.aero

Craig Murdoch

Head of Customer Services

Tel:+49 351 8839-3429Email:customer.support@efw.aero

Stephanie Aeschlimann

Contracts & Commercial P2F and MRO

Tel:+49 351 8839-2773Email:sales.p2f@efw.aero