
The New Generation Narrowbody Freighter

A new generation born out of proven experience

We are turning the world's best-selling single-aisle passenger aircraft family into the world's best freighter in its class.

Our converted A321 and A320 passenger-to-freighter aircraft offer both the lowest fuel burn in this class, as well as a fully containerized upper and lower deck for the first time in this freighter segment. We use highly reliable, state-of-the-art aircraft technology, with same type ratings for the Airbus family, and offer lower operational costs, and seamless cross-crew operation. Additionally, we offer freighter options according to your operational needs. For the A321/A320 this could be main deck cargo compartment access, several courier area layouts (e.g. for seats, galleys etc.) and more. Our A321P2F is uniquely positioned to replace ageing aircraft types in this class.

A321P2F benefits – the only freighter replacement in its class

  • 9%less fuel burn per ton*
  • 13.5%higher containerized capacity (14+10 full container positions)*
  • 100%all major weight variants covered by our STC
  • 99%random loadability – simply load and unload without balancing heavy/light loads*

* compared to Boeing 757

Product advantages

  • Proven payload: Up to 28 tons (62,000 lbs)​
  • Best in class: 14 full size AAY main deck container positions + 10 AKH position in lower deck ​
  • EFW’s conversion design (STC): covers all weight variants of A321-200
  • Random loading: Minimum ground staff involvement​
  • Optimization: Less operational constraints (fuel restrictions, parcel arrangement etc.) due to optimized weight distribution​
  • Safety: Reduced workload and safe flight operations
  • OEM data: Airbus provides full OEM data support backed by a NTO (non-technical objections)​
  • Support: Holistic customer support  

A320P2F benefits – the best freighter in its class

  • 4%less fuel burn per ton*
  • 18%higher containerized capacity*
  • 50%larger opening surface of doors – all open outwards*
  • 60%less Turn Around Time*

* compared to Boeing 737-800

Conversion process

Our conversion process follows four key steps including major modifications to the entire aircraft and its systems. Step-by-Step becoming a freighter.

  1. De-installation phase

    The passenger and cargo deck areas are completely emptied and removed. This process includes removing interior fittings such as seats with all flight entertainment equipment and cabling, side wall cladding, insulation and floor panels.

  2. Structural phase

    Work on the structure of the aircraft begins. The floor is rebuilt, stringers and frames are replaced or reinforced, the main cargo door is installed, the fuselage is reinforced, and windows and rear passenger doors are locked.

  3. Re-installation phase

    Once the structural changes have been made, we re-install items relevant to freighters. This includes computer systems and electrics, hydraulics, side panels and floors, and the crew rest compartment. At this stage we install our highly flexible Powered Cargo Loading System into the floor.

  4. Test phase

    The final stage sees all systems fully tested. We conduct hundreds of tests, including specific tests for freighters, covering everything from power, through the cargo loading system, to hydraulics and engines. After tests are completed the aircraft is released without the need for dedicated test flights.

Conversion features & modifications

  • Redesigned Crew AreaNeugestalteter Crew- und Ruhebereich

    The optimized crew area is accessed through the new crew entry door and offers both a new lavatory module and more capacity for the cargo hold. With options such as two additional seats or a galley module, the area offers comfort for the crew.Der optimierte Crew-Bereich ist über die neue Crew-Eingangstür zugänglich und bietet sowohl ein neues Lavatory Modul als auch mehr Kapazität für den Frachtraum. Mit Optionen wie zwei zusätzlichen Sitzen oder einem Bordküchenmodul bietet der Bereich Komfort für die Besatzung.

  • Rigid Cargo BarrierSichere Frachtbarriere

    Designed for loads of up to 9G, the partition separates the upper cargo compartment from the crew, thus increasing safety. A sliding door saves space and offers fast crew access to the main cargo compartment.Ausgelegt für Belastungen von bis zu 9G trennt eine Wand den oberen Frachtraum von der Besatzung und erhöht so die Sicherheit. Eine Schiebetür spart Platz und ermöglicht einen schnellen Zugang der Besatzung zum Hauptfrachtraum.

  • Main Deck Cargo DoorFrachttor für das Hauptdeck

    The hydraulically operated cargo door provides large access to the upper cargo deck, with 142” width and 85” height.Mit einer Breite von 142 Zoll und einer Höhe von 85 Zoll bietet das hydraulisch betriebene Frachttor einen extra großen Zugang zum Hauptfrachtdeck.

  • Modified Floor GridNeue Bodenstruktur

    The existing floor structure is both reinforced and partly replaced with a stronger one. The installed floor panels are specially developed for the cargo application.Bei der Umrüstung eines Flugzeugs wird der bisherige Boden teilweise oder vollständig durch eine stärkere Struktur ersetzt. Die neu installierten Bodenpaneele wurden speziell für Frachtanwendungen entwickelt.

  • Large Cargo CapacityGroße Frachtkapazität

    The A320P2F offers space for 11 containers on the main deck and positions for 7 more in the lower cargo holds. With 14 container positions on the main deck and 10 in the lower cargo holds, the A321P2F has increased cargo capacity in comparison. The Class E cargo hold provides the highest level of operational safety and ensures compliance with fire safety regulations.Die A320P2F bietet Platz für 11 Container im oberen Deck sowie für 7 weitere im unteren Deck. Im Vergleich dazu bietet die A321P2F mit 14 Positionen auf dem oberen und 10 Positionen auf dem unteren Deck sogar eine noch höhere Kapazität. Das Cargo Hold der Klasse E garantiert hierbei größtmögliche Betriebssicherheit und Einhaltung aller Brandschutzbestimmungen.

  • Cargo Loading SystemFrachtladesystem

    The manual cargo loading system is used to position and secure the loaded cargo.Durch das manuelle Frachtladesystem wird die Ladung an Bord positioniert und gesichert.

  • Deactivated Doors & Window PlugsTüren & Fenster-Plugs

    The unused passenger doors 2R, 3 & 4 are deactivated. On the A321P2F, door 4 is modified and reskinned for extended cargo capacity. The cabin windows will also be closed.Die ungenutzten Passagiertüren 2, 3 & 4 werden verschlossen. Bei der A321P2F wird die Tür 4 für eine erweiterte Frachtkapazität modifiziert. Die Kabinenfenster werden durch Plugs ersetzt.


Main deck cargo door operation panel

Main deck cargo door

Floor system

Flexible cargo loading

Cargo loading system

Our Cargo Loading System, exclusive to A320/A321P2F single-aisle freighters, sets the bar in container volume. Featuring a unique capability to handle containers or pallets on both upper and lower decks, it optimizes space usage. This streamlined system guarantees swift handling, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Aircraft data

  A320P2F* A321P2F**
fully containerized volume 158m³ (5,603ft³) 208m³ (7,348ft³)
payload data up to 21 t (46,290lbs) up to 28 t (61,750lbs)
range capability up to 1,850 nm up to 2,050 nm
maximum take-off weight (MTOW) 77 t 93,5 t
maximum landing weight (MLW) 66.0 t 77.8 t
maximum zero fuel weight (MZFW) 62.5 t 73.8 t

* data refer to weight variant 012,** data refer to weight variant 011. EFW covers all A320 and A321 weight variants for conversion.

Other conversion models and services

Further services

  • Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul

    Learn more about our MRO capabilites for Airbus and defence aircraft

  • Customer Support Service

    Learn more about our worldwide-support for P2F aircraft conversions and 24/7 support for maintenance activities

  • Approvals & Certificates

    Learn more about our company approvals and certified management systems

Contact us

Lee London

SVP Commercial

Tel:+49 351 8839-2696Email:marketing@efw.aero

Craig Murdoch

Head of Customer Services

Tel:+49 351 8839-3429Email:customer.support@efw.aero

Stephanie Aeschlimann

Contracts & Commercial P2F and MRO

Tel:+49 351 8839-2773Email:sales.p2f@efw.aero