P2F China Symposium of EFW and Airbus

Our second P2F China Symposium took place last week in Chengdu together with Airbus. EFW and Airbus China executives introduced latest facts and figures on the freighter market and EFW’s P2F products and services. Amongst numerous attendees there have been also representatives of key players like Aercap, BBAM, CDB, CALC, Temu, HNA, Jiangxi International Cargo, Qindao Airlines, SF Airlines, Sichuan Airlines, SAID and Air China Cargo.

The audience received a global market update by Airbus, a product overview on EFW’s conversion freighters as well as an introduction of most recent product improvements and design updates. Our customer support provided insights on its services together with Airbus. 

One of the event highlights was for sure the guided tour at AMECO’s hangar introducing the A330P2F conversion to the audience where a first bunch of Air China Cargos aircraft have been converted. The operator targets an initial fleet of eight A330P2F and is meanwhile operating four converted A330P2F aircraft for half a year.


We have been more than glad, that Air China Cargo shared its experiences on A330P2F operations. The conversion freighters have been performing nearly 900 international cargo flights from Chengdu. “The planes successfully completed their test flights after P2F. The performance parameters of the aircraft have been consistently praised by the test flight crew!”, said Air China Cargo executive Li Gang. “In the subsequent operation, there were no operational difficulties. The operational parameters of the fleet have met expectations!” 

We have been glad about the positive feedback and about the warm thanks of Air China Cargo on the good cooperation between EFW, Ameco and the airline.

Media contact

Anke Lemke

Head of Communications
Elbe Flugzeugwerke GmbH

Tel:+49 351 8839-2516Email:anke.lemke@efw.aero