EFWs Top Management has been expanded
In order to drive forward the strong growth of Elbe Flugzeugwerke GmbH and to take the company and the internationalization to the next level, two more Managing Directors have been appointed by the EFW Supervisory Board with effect as of September 21, 2022.
In addition to Jordi Boto (CEO & President), Chin Wah Chan will now act as Managing Director in his function as COO (Chief Operations Officer). As a further Managing Director, Kai Mielenz will also assume the new function of Labor Director in addition to his role as CFO (Chief Financial Officer).
"The growth of the market for cargo aircraft and thus of the EFW conversion business, the focus on cabin solutions in the composite business and the development of further business areas are unprecedented tasks and offer unique opportunities to EFW," says Dr. Yip, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EFW. "The expanded EFW Top Management is going to meet the current challenges in the best possible way and to ensure products and services as expected by our customers. I am very pleased that, in addition to Jordi Boto, we have also been able to have both Chin Wah Chan and Kai Mielenz as Managing Directors. By filling the positions from our own team, we want to ensure continuity and consistent market orientation in the long term.”

From left to right: Yuen Cheong Yip (Chairman of the EFW Supervisory Board), Kai Mielenz (CFO), Chin Wah Chan(COO), Jordi Boto (CEO & President)